What is the CAP Tool?
The Butte College CAPTool compiles information from your high school records, college courses taken, and past academic experiences to make recommendations for your English and math courses and supports.
We are committed to helping you create a personal Career and Academic Profile (CAP) which can be accessed by Counselors to help you develop a Student Educational Plan using STARFISH. Your placement process includes a variety of academic and student support services to help you succeed.
There are different options available for completing the Career and Academic Profile (CAP) prior to registration activities: 1) New and transfer-in students will complete the CAP as part of their online-Orientation process (click here to start the Online Orientatation process w/ embedded CAP). 2) Or if you are interested in completing the CAP on your own, please look at the self-guided tutorials below.
Access the CAP tool
Ready to dive into the Career and Academic Profile (CAP) tool yourself?
CAP works best using Google Chrome. If you are having issues logging in, please try in another browser, incognito mode, or clear your cookies before trying again. If you are still having issues, please email
Click the link below to get started.
Career and Academic Profile Tool
Contact Us
Career Center
Main Campus SAS258
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Career Center Hours
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon
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Content Editor:
Brian Donnelly
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